> Životopisy > > > Dominik Hašek - životopis anglicky

Dominik Hašek - životopis anglicky

Kategorie: Humanitní a ekonomické obory

Typ práce: Životopisy

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Anglicky psaný referát o Dominiku Haškovi, vlastně se jedná o jeho jednoduchý životopis. V práci se mluví o základních životopisných datech toho slavného českého sportovce, ale hlavně o jeho profesionální hokejové kariéře v zámoří.


"In the ’93-’94 season he was the Vezina Trophy Winner, William Jennings Trophy Leader, and he was nominated for the All Star First Team. At this time , he was nicknamed The Dominator. The next season were also successful but the ’97 – ’98 season was his best. Dominik won his fourth Vezina trophy, second Hard Trophy for the most useful player in the NHL. And the Lester B. In 1998 he helped the Czech ice-hockey team to win the Olympic Gold medal in Nagano and he set a new Buffalo Sabres record of 13 shutouts in one season. In October 2001 he became a member of the Detroit Red Wings. In 2002 he finished his career.
Although he was the best goalkeeper in the NHL and the highest paid goalkeeper in the history of the NHL , he was remained a very modest, patient and hard working professional player. He is an idol for all young goalkeepers."


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