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Svátky a významné dny - anglicky

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Vánoce - oslavy, zvyky, průběh štědrovečerní večeře, rozdávání dárků v USA, GB a ČR. Velikonoce - symbolika, zvyky. Valentýn. Halloween - zvyky, jak se oslavuje, vznik svátku. Typické americké svátky - den Díkuvzdání, den Martina Luthera Kinga, den Nezávislosti.


Typické americké svátky


"Christmas is celebrated in other countries as well, with each nation keeping its own customs and folk traditions. The relatives and friend send Christmas postcards to each other and wish Merry Christmas and good luck in the New Year. People buy presents for their relatives and acquaintances. Streets, shops and important buildings are decorated. Shops and departures store are filled of people.

In Czech republic families decorated their house and bake Christmas sweet include vanilla rolls, ginger bread and sweet with nuts, raisins and chocolate. Typical meal for Christmas Eve dinner is fish soup, fried carp with potato salad, sweets and fruit. After dinner we go to the tree and unwrap the presents, while Christmas carols are sung.
The Czech customs are pouring of lead, fro which we learn what the future, cutting of apples and skimming walnut shells on the water.

In Great Britain people at Christmas Eve do final preparation on this day. They decorate their tree with colourful ornaments, cupping-glass, sweets, silver chains and lights. Over the door is hung a sprig of mistletoe and if a girl or women stands under it, she can be kissed. Children hang up Christmas stockings at the end of their beds or on the fireplace before they go to bed. They believe in Father Christmas, which rides on a sledge drawn by reindeers.
At Christmas day on the 25th of December children open the Christmas presents after breakfast. At midday is served Christmas dinner. The traditional food in Britain is roast turkey with stuffing with chestnut stuffing, roast potatoes, vegetable and sauces and Christmas pudding for a desert.
There is a custom, when people stir into the pudding some coin or ring. It bring wealth, work or wedding."



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