3. | Prezidentské volby v roce 1992
7. | Skandál s Monikou Lewinskou
“ His name is William Jefferson Clinton. He was born in 1946 in Arkansas as a son of a poor family. He was very good student, when he was young. He earned a scholarship to Georgetown University in Washington D.C. It’s the oldest and the best of Washington’s many universities and colleges. Then he was studying at Oxford University in England, because he was awarded the prestigious Rhodes Scholarship to study on the second side of the Atlantic Ocean. After the study in England he returned back to the USA to study law and enter politics.
Before being elected President Bill Clinton worked as the Governor of Arkansas, a small southern state, which is one of the poorest in the USA.
In September 1992 after a long election campaign Bill Clinton was elected the President of the USA. Clinton defeated his 2 rivals. The first was a Republican candidate President George Bush and the second was an independent candidate millionaire Ross Perot. American people elected Bill Clinton to be the forty-second President of the USA. He was inaugurated on 20th January 1993. He was elected, because he promised a lot of changes. Changes in economic policies, in education programs and in national health-care policy. He promised to create new jobs, to improve the training of the work force of the future.
In 1992 was 46 years old Clinton the second youngest President in the White house since John Fitzgerald Kennedy, who was his pattern. Clinton, like Kennedy, wants to give Americans new hope for their country. He has the same motto: „Don’t ask, what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country.“
In 1996 he was elected for the second time to be a President of the United States."
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