> Maturitní otázky > > > Vládní systém Velké Británie, USA a ČR - maturitní otázka anglicky 1/4

Vládní systém Velké Británie, USA a ČR - maturitní otázka anglicky 1/4

Kategorie: Angličtina

Typ práce: Maturitní otázky

Škola: nezadáno/škola není v seznamu

Charakteristika: Jedná se o porovnání vládních systémů ve Velké Británii, USA a České republice, který obsahuje popis zásadních rozdílů u jednotlivých států a v závěru práce se nachází také výpis nejdůležitějších slovíček. Následující maturitní otázku naleznete zde Svátky a slavnosti - maturitní otázka anglicky 2/4.


Great Britain
The Czech Republic


"The USA
The USA with the President as a head of state is a federation of 50 states with 48 on the continent, Alaska in the North and Hawaii in the Mid – Pacific. There is also one district, DC – district of Columbia – this territory is not a state, the state capital is situated here.
The state government takes control of laws, education and taxes and the federal government takes after foreign affairs, defence and finance.
It is an indirect democracy-people rule through representatives they vote. There is practised the system of Check and Balances- the Congress makes the laws, president can veto them and the Supreme Court can decide a law is unconstitutional.
There are 3 branches:
- legislative (makes laws, declare war, deal with foreign affairs), the main body is called the Congress (seat in Capitol) – House of Representatives (435 lawmakers based upon the population of each state, voted for 2 years)
– Senate (100 members, 2 from each state,
voted for 6 years)
- executive – the President (chosen by direct election, 538 voters – 435 representatives, 100 Senators and 3 from Washington D.C., elections are on Tuesday in November, on the 20th of January President swears into office), he has right to veto, can refuse a bill, proposes bills, is a Commander-in-Chief of the army, makes treaties, appoints federal judges and ambassadors
– the Vice-president
– 13 executive departments (Treasury, Defence, Interior, Education, Transportation, Agriculture, Justice, State,…)
- judicial – The Supreme Court, Federal districts Courts and 11 Federal courts of Appeals"


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